The Most Popular Oil and Gas Pipe Types You Need to Know

industrial piping company

In oil and gas, pipes play a crucial role that often goes unnoticed. When sourcing these essential components, industrial piping companies are the true heroes, and they depend on various pipe types to get the job done. Let’s look at the key types of oil and gas pipes, breaking down the jargon, specifications and practicalities into simple, easy-to-understand terms.

Exploration Starts with Seamless Pipes

When we begin the journey of finding and using these valuable resources, we need strong and reliable pipes. One type of pipe that stands out is called “seamless pipes.” These pipes are like the backbone of the industry. They’re made very carefully, following specific rules called “ASTM specifications.” What makes them special is that they don’t have any seams or joints. According to industrial piping companies, that makes them incredibly tough and dependable.

Seamless pipes are like the superheroes of the oil and gas world. They are crucial for exploration and transportation. Think of them as the highways that oil and gas travel on. When you need to move these resources over long distances, you need pipes that won’t leak and will work efficiently. That’s where these pipes come in.

These pipes can handle high pressure and resist corrosion, essential in the oil and gas industry. They keep resources flowing smoothly and efficiently. So, when we talk about exploration in the oil and gas world, it all starts with seamless pipes. They are the strong foundation that makes everything else possible.

Applications That Industrial Piping Companies Highlight

Industrial piping companies play a vital role in various sectors. They rely on different types of pipes for specific jobs. Let’s explore five key areas where these pipes are indispensable:

Transporting Oil and Gas: Seamless pipes serve as the highways for oil and gas. They ensure minimal loss during transportation and efficient flow over long distances. These pipes are crucial in keeping our vehicles fueled and homes warm.

Oil Refineries: Inside oil refineries, these pipes are like the veins and arteries of the operation. They handle crude oil, which is processed into various useful products like gasoline, diesel and more. Their ability to withstand high temperatures and pressures is a must here.

Pipeline Construction: When we build extensive pipelines for oil and gas transportation, some of the best industrial piping companies turn to seamless pipes. These pipes ensure the structural integrity of the network, allowing resources to flow smoothly from one place to another.

Chemical Processing: The chemical industry deals with some harsh substances. Seamless pipes are up to the task. They can resist corrosion and carry corrosive materials without wearing out, ensuring safety and longevity.

Power Plants: In power plants, these pipes are like the power lines. They carry steam and other substances under high temperatures and pressures, generating electricity that lights up our homes and powers industries.

Knowing the Cost of Seamless Steel Pipes

Understanding the factors influencing the cost of seamless steel pipes is important for industrial piping companies. Let’s delve into these cost factors:

Raw Materials: The type and quality of steel used in the manufacturing process significantly impact the cost of seamless pipes. High-quality steel comes at a higher price but offers better performance and durability.

Complex Manufacturing: Producing seamless pipes is a precise and complex process. This complexity can drive up costs, particularly when dealing with intricate designs or specifications.

Pipe Size: The size of the pipes is a significant cost influencer. Larger pipes require more materials and labor, making them more expensive than smaller ones.

These cost factors are crucial for industrial piping companies to consider when purchasing. Balancing quality, size and complexity with the available budget is essential to ensure cost-effective operations.

Variations in Commercial Seamless Pipe Sizes

Seamless pipes come in a range of sizes to meet various industrial needs. Let’s explore these size variations:

1/8″ to 24″: Smaller pipes are like the tools in a toolbox. They are perfect for jobs that don’t require high pressure, making them ideal for household plumbing and low-pressure applications.

26″ to 48″: Medium-sized pipes are versatile workhorses. They can handle various applications, from industrial processes to energy production, striking a balance between strength and practicality.

Greater than 48″: Larger ones are the heavy lifters of the industry. They are used in massive projects like long-distance oil and gas pipelines, where reliability and structural integrity are paramount.

These size variations allow industrial piping companies to choose the right pipes for the job, ensuring that resources flow smoothly and efficiently.

Understanding the Manufacturing Process of Seamless Pipes

The manufacturing process is a precise and highly controlled operation. Let’s break it down:

Billet Preparation: It all begins with raw steel, which is heated and pierced to create a hollow cylinder called a “billet.” Think of it as the starting point for making the pipe.

Mandrel Milling: The billet is further elongated and reduced in diameter using a mandrel mill. This step ensures that the pipe will have consistent dimensions and be high quality.

Rotary Piercing: Now comes the fascinating part. The pipe is formed by piercing the billet through a die while spinning. This process gives the pipe its seamless and joint-free quality.

Sizing and Cooling: After piercing, the pipe is sized to meet the required dimensions and then meticulously cooled. That is the final touch that ensures the pipe’s strength and quality.

This careful and controlled process results in pipes that can handle the tough conditions of the oil and gas industry, ensuring minimal loss and efficient resource transportation.

Getting to Know about ERW Pipes

Another important type of pipe is the “Electric Resistance Welded” or ERW pipe. Let’s explore how these pipes are made:

Coil Preparation: Steel coils are unrolled and flattened, preparing them for the welding process. It’s like getting all the materials ready for building.

Forming: The steel strip is shaped into a cylindrical form. Think of it as molding the material into the shape of a pipe.

Welding: High-frequency electrical current is used to create a strong weld along the length of the pipe. It’s like using a high-tech glue to ensure the pipe holds together.

Sizing: Once the welding is complete, the pipe is sized to meet the specified dimensions. This step ensures that the pipe is the right size for the job.

ERW pipes are known for being cost-effective and versatile. They can handle many applications and are often the choice for industrial piping companies for a reliable and budget-friendly solution.

Knowing the Basics of LSAW Pipes

Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welded (LSAW) pipes are another crucial type of pipe. They have their strengths and are used in various industries. Let’s explore how LSAW pipes are made:

Plate Preparation: The process begins with large steel plates. These plates are like the raw materials for making pipes.

Pipe Formation: The plates are shaped into a cylindrical form. It’s like rolling dough to make a cylinder but with steel.

Welding: Submerged arc welding is used to create a strong and continuous weld along the length of the pipe. That is what holds the pipe together.

Sizing and Testing: After welding, the pipe goes through a series of tests to ensure it’s strong and reliable. It’s like giving it a check-up to ensure it’s ready for work.

LSAW pipes are known for their strength and reliability. They are used in various industries, and their ability to handle tough conditions makes them a valuable choice among popular industrial piping companies.

The Winner between ERW and Seamless

The debate between ERW and seamless pipes is an important consideration for industrial piping companies. Let’s compare the two and see which one comes out on top:

Seamless Pipes


Very Strong and Durable: Seamless pipes can handle much stress and last a long time. Imagine having a tool that never breaks.

Smooth Inside: They have a smooth inside, which makes the stuff flowing through them move more easily. It’s like a water slide for oil and gas.


Can Be Expensive: Making seamless pipes is a precise process, so they can cost more.

Not Always Available in Large Sizes: If you need very big pipes, it might be harder to find seamless ones.

ERW Pipes


Cost-Effective: ERW pipes are usually less expensive, which can be great for projects on a budget. It’s like finding a good deal on a product that works just as well.

Versatile: They can be used in many different situations and are reliable. It’s like having a tool that you can use for various tasks.


Weld Seam: These pipes have a weld seam, which might affect their strength in high-pressure situations.

Corrosion: They may not be as resistant to corrosion from the outside, so they need extra protection in certain environments.

As most industrial pipe suppliers say, each type of pipe has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s like choosing between different tools for a job.

Providing Quality Steel Pipes for Your Needs

Discover the strength and reliability of Bison Pipe, your go-to industrial piping company for top-quality steel pipes. Let us be your partner in ensuring efficient resource transportation and successful projects. Learn more about our products and services today.